Providing all the tools in one place is a core part of our strategy.

Shipping products in the right order is important for realizing sustainable return on investment for new products.

Products we build into the platform should:

  • Be a product that our ICP already uses, and there is already a meaningful competitor in the market.

  • Or the product is a natural extension of our existing products.

  • Help customers build more successful mortgage businesses; emphasis on lead generation and lead nurturing which drive the necessary volume a mortgage lender needs to be successful.

  • Be easy to get customers using, either new or existing

  • Solve pain points created by our competitors

When deciding what to prioritize, we consider:

  • The strength of competitors

  • Whether there is someone on the MorFi team passionate about building it

  • How impactful the tool is to a mortgage lender’s business

When we decide to build a product, we aim to build a version that can be adopted quickly and with little friction.